The Top 22 Things That Will Cause A Flare In Endometriosis Adenomyosis Symptoms 1 11 for webpage

The Top 24 Things That Will Cause A Flare In What You Thought Was Endometriosis & Adenomyosis Symptoms, But Maybe Isn’t (1-12)

Many people often talk about how they get flares of their endometriosis and adenomyosis symptoms often. While in some cases it may actually be the endometriosis, or adenomyosis causing their flare, in truth, many times it is other things actually causing their flare and it is so important to understand this. Maybe what you think is endometriosis, or adenomyosis symptoms, may just be caused by something else?

In this post I want to bring awareness to the fact that sometimes it is not always Endometriosis, or Adenomyosis causing your current symptoms. It may be one of the following facts only, or in combination. What we need to remember is that many women with endometriosis, and adenomyosis, often have other issues that are flaring their current symptoms, and often present the same as endometriosis and adenomyosis, in their symptomology.

We also know that many other causes of flares of symptoms are often overlooked, and even dismissed, just as endometriosis and adenomyosis is often missed and dismissed.

Many women may have other issues going on at the same time as having endometriosis, or adenomyosis, and it is possible to have both endometriosis and adenomyosis combined and well as having other health issues in combination as well. Just remember that not all your symptoms may be endometriosis, or adenomyosis, and why it is so important to see and expert in these conditions.

If you do need and expert and need help with endometriosis and adenomyosis, please give my friendly staff a call and find out how I may be able to assist you.


Let’s have a look at the first 12 cause of “What You Thought Was Endometriosis and Adenomyosis Symptoms, But Maybe Isn’t”


Causes of a Flare of What You Thought Was Endometriosis and Adenomyosis Symptoms, But Maybe Isn’t ( 1-12)

1.Stress – Stress is the one of the biggest causes of ill health, or in exacerbating current health issues and their symptoms. Stress also heightens pain pathways, it increases inflammation, interferes with moods, disrupts hormone pathways and also increases acidity in the body. This then leads to increase in symptoms such as pain, gastrointestinal issues, fatigue, and increase in emotionally generated symptoms. Have a read of my previous article of this (Click here to read)

2.Anxiety– Anxiety is also a big cause in aggravating and exacerbating symptoms of endometriosis/adenomyosis. When control issues are heightened, the body spirals out of control and anxiety kicks in and exacerbates symptoms. This also heightens pain pathways like stress does, and also disrupts hormone pathways as well. This then drives pain pathways, upsets the gastrointestinal system, disrupts sleep and also creates fatigue. I have done a previous post of anxiety and pain pathways previously (Click here to read)

3.Busyness– Busyness is one of the number one drivers of stress and anxiety issues. Lack of time out and on the go, pushes the body to exhaustion, and also activates adrenalin and cortisol levels, which in turn interfere with hormone pathways. Busyness is really stress under another name, and can produce all the same symptoms as stress does. Busyness can also be a big factor with fertility and pregnancy too. See previous post (Click here to read)

4.Alcohol– One of the number one things to flare endometriosis/adenomyosis symptoms and any gynaecological issue is alcohol, especially excess alcohol. Alcohol can also be a big factor in period pain and also irregular cycles. It can also exacerbate heavy bleeding, especially with adenomyosis. Alcohol is full of sugars and it really is a drug and a toxin, especially in higher doses. Alcohol is also inflammatory and will exacerbate inflammatory conditions in the body. Alcohol also adds to fluid retention and body fat, and can interfere with moods.

5.Smoking – Smoking not only adds to inflammation in the body, but it also increases the risk of certain cancers, including gynaecological The byproducts of cigarette smoke have been found in the cervical mucus of women and these toxins are literally leaching into your uterus, your vagina, and surrounding tissues and organs. Ewwwww. Smoking definitely increases inflammatory processes in the body and leads to increases symptoms.

6.Refined foods– Highly refined foods increase blood sugar levels, which then makes the body store fat, and stops the burning of fat.
Excess body fat also drives inflammation, and is also estrogenic. Estrogen drives endometriosis/adenomyosis.
Excess refined carbs also cause increase insulin, which in turn causes inflammation in the body too. This increase inflammation exacerbates pain pathways and other symptomatic responses in the body.
A lot of refined foods are from grains, which also contain gluten. Gluten causes gut irritation and inflammation – a lot of people won’t even realise that their problems are caused by gluten. Have a listen to my video blog about a proper diet (Click here to read)

7.Too much sugar– Excess sugars and things such as chocolate (big one) is a big driver of inflammation in the body. The excess sugars also make the body store fat, and they also increase pain and exacerbate pain pathways. The excess sugars also disrupt the gut microbiome and increase bad bacteria, which also drive inflammation and increase gastrointestinal issues such as bloating and abdominal pain. It can also affect bowel function. Have a read of my post about the toxic consequences of sugar ( Click here to read)

8.Legumes (chickpeas, lentils, soy etc)- Lentils, beans (i.e. kidney, pinto, broad etc),peanuts (they aren’t nuts, despite the name), soy beans, garbanzos and chickpeas are alllegumes. Like grains, legumes too contain harmful substances such as lectins and phytates, inhibiting nutrient absorption and causing inflammation. They also cause gas and bloating and many people do not realise the reactions they can cause in the body.
Raw legumes are toxic, so they need to be prepared (by soaking,rising, cooking, sprouting or fermenting) – however, preparation doesn’t entirely negate the harmful effects of the lectins. Despite soaking and activating, many people still react badly .
Soy is particularly bad, since the phytoestrogens content acts like the female sex hormone estrogen. This has been shown to have some damaging effects with healthy hormone functions. Endometriosis and adenomyosis is estrogen driven and women should stay away from soy and soy based products where possible.

9.Excess bad bacteria – Buildup of bad bacteria, called dysbiotic bacteria can cause inflammation and ill-health, physically and emotionally. A buildup of bad bacteria is a common cause of abdominal pain and bloating in women with endometriosis and adenomyosis. I have discussed dysbiotic bacteria is a previous post (Click here to read)

10.Acidic foods– Acidic foods may cause or aggravate certain digestive disorders, such as acid reflux gastroesophageal reflux disease, otherwise known as GERD. Acidic foods can also add to inflammatory processes in the body and why there is now mounting evidence to use a more alkaline diet for those with chronic inflammatory disease states. Common acidic foods are alcohol, certain citrus fruits, soft drinks, processed foods, refined foods, junk foods, and tomato based products.

11.Junk foods – Junk foods contain all sorts of nasty things, from trans fats(carcinogenic fats), additives, preservatives, saturated fats, acid, gluten, soy, refined grains, processed foods, environmental estrogens, high sugar and a whole lot of others things that can create inflammation in the body and add to exacerbating someone’s symptoms. This one goes without saying, yet some many people do not realise that just one serving of junk food could exacerbate symptoms for days, or longer.

12.Certain medications– Medications can be both friend and foe, depending on the length of time someone has taken them, and also the side effect profile of a certain medication. Certain medications can also cause withdrawal effects each day, and they can exacerbate symptoms of your health issue, including pain. This can also go for natural medicines taken wrongly, or taken for too long a period. This is why it is always important to be properly managed and monitored by a qualified healthcare professional. Have a read about this issue in a previous post (click here to read)

Chill Pill

A Special Kind of Pill for Better Health and Increased Fertility

Previously I have mentioned that I was going to talk to you all about a special medicine and a special kind of pill, that can not only help you with gynaecological and other healthy issues, but it can also help with fertility and being able to fall pregnant.

I was going to post this up straight away, but then I had to think more about it, because I know when you mention this subject, people can take a message with the intention of helping the wrong way.

So what is this special pill that I am talking about and not yet available on the market?

Well, it’s called a “Chill Pill” and many of us need to be taking it often, or learning to administer it often.

Now, before anyone gets all up in arms about this and what I am about to say, I need you to listen and take the personal out of this and just hear the reasons why.

I have been on the other end of stress, where it almost killed me, literally and I know how it then affected my health and then exacerbated pre-existing health complaints I had. So I am coming from a place of understanding, but also a place of wanting to help people through my own experienced personally, but also what I see in clinical practice daily. I was one of those people who kept saying that weren’t stressed, or that I don’t feel stressed, yet all the while my body signs were saying something different.

Like any change we need to make, the first part is admitting there may be something wrong in order to enact that change.

The sad fact is that 9 out of 10 people report being stressed and 41% of people feel they experience unhealthy levels of stress. Stress and the body’s response to it, can affect people in different ways. Small amounts of stress that are easily resolved can help to keep us motivated and achieve our goals.

The difference with long term or chronic stress is that it can affect the whole body in a negative way. It is the long grade, low grade stress (or busyness) that often creeps up on us and causes issues. Many people do not even know they are stressed, or that stress is a big factor in their current health issues, because they are either so used to it, or their health issues takes over and they cannot even begin to see the correlation.

The harsh reality of many problems in life is that we are ultimately responsible for our own well-being. Not all people will want to accept this, as it is so much easier to blame someone or something else for our dilemmas.

Nearly every problem we experience in life may have an element of stress to it bought on by ourselves and our busy lives, with many of us not consciously knowing it is at play. That means everything from a common cold to a long-standing illness. Everyone reading this will be by now squirming in his or her seats as the harsh reality of such a statement hits home. But the real problem with this is that it is true. I know I had to face this reality with my own health issues. We can and do cause many of our own health problems, or exacerbate them, either consciously, or subconsciously.

The problem with any health matter is getting people to become responsible for their own self. So much illness is completely preventable if we would just take responsibility for our own actions. It is so much easier to blame someone, or something else with comments such as “ I have tried everything”, “That didn’t work for me”, or “I’ve been everywhere and nothing can help me”.

The problem with many of these blanket statements is that they are all just excuses not to take responsibility for our actions. Maybe it isn’t that the methods you are trying aren’t working. Maybe it is simply a matter of nothing will ever work unless we make that all important change for ourselves first.

Sure, some disease states are hereditary, or someone have a predisposition for them, but even so, once the illness, or disease is expressed in the body, it is our responsibility to do what we can to control it.

Yes, sometimes it doesn’t seem fair, I get that, but sometimes you just have to admit there is an issue that isn’t going away in a hurry, or keeps being flared up, because you need to make some changes in your life to better manage this issue.

I know this is something I had to learn myself. Boy did I fight the reality of this in the beginning too. But, I also acknowledge that some people have seen some pretty shitty healthcare practitioners who have missed and dismissed their issues too. It all compounds and just makes everything seem so much worse. But, at the end of the day you can also find good practitioners who can help you too.

Stress is also a major factor in many couples not being able to conceive. Stress affects cortisol levels and the adrenals and this then has an effect on testicular and ovarian function.

Stress can affect both sperm and egg quality and high stress levels also affects our hormones and our immune system. Stress also has an effect on the uterine environment, which can affect implantation, affect circulation in the uterine lining, and also increase the risk of miscarriage. High stress levels also exacerbate, or fuel many gynaecological and men’s reproductive health issues too.

Looking for the ‘Off ’ Butt on

Stress can affect each of us differently. Perhaps you are suffering from anxiety, feeling worried, depressed or irritable; even feeling exhausted and overwhelmed can indicate you are under stress. As well as affecting your ability to cope, stress may also be causing a disruption to your health. When under stress for a length of time, you may be more susceptible to tension headaches, high blood pressure, frequent colds and flus, digestive disorders or a worsening of an existing condition.

So you can see, there are many reasons why it is so important to manage your stress now, take that “Chill Pill” before it starts impacting your health and wellbeing.

How Resilience Begins

Some people seem to deal with stress better than others. That doesn’t mean that the rest of us need to continue suffering. The ability to increase your resilience to stress is something that can be learned and helped with talking to a counsellor, or psychologist etc.

There are supplements, nutrients, and vitamins to support your body’s individual stress response system too. Many people are lacking key nutrients because of our highly processed diets now and we also know that gut health, and a healthy microbiome is integral to psychological wellbeing and our moods.

Taking a strain specific probiotic and a prebiotic daily can improve gut health and improve your immune system and psychological wellbeing. Omega 3 oils, multivitamins, melatonin, St John’s wort, passion flower, chamomile and many other herbs and nutrients can assist with coping with stress and its impact on the body.

Don’t buy vitamins or supplements off the shelf at the chemist or supermarket as these are so inferior and contain lots of fillers and additives that aren’t good for you. Always see a qualified healthcare practitioner to get proper advice on what nutrients and supplements are needed for your health complaint.

By the way, Dr Google is banned in my clinic. Dr Google is not a reliable way to find out about healthcare products and illnesses. Only a trained healthcare professional should be giving you that advice. But, in saying that, researching where to find a good practitioner is great and also developing and understanding of ones health issues is great too, as long as it doesn’t become an obsession and that is all you focus on. It is about a balance. There is nothing wrong with trying to be informed. But, trying to self diagnose, or self prescribe is not a good thing at all.

Some people may be in such a bad state that medication may be needed to get them over their first hurdles and develop some resilience and coping skills. This should always be done in conjunction with talk therapy as well. To be honest, most of us could do with talking to a good counsellor or psychologist to get some coping strategies to deal with work, business, health, or life better.

Lifestyle Tips to Help Manage Stress

Managing your stress is essential for long-term health and vitality. With proper support, a variety of stress relief techniques can be introduced, in conjunction with a

healthy eating plan to help assist you in stressing less. These may include:

  1. Exercise: Daily movement is essential for brain health. Aerobic exercise including running, swimming or walking is proven to decrease stress hormones. Resistance exercise is also great for stress relief, burning fats, increasing lean muscle and keeping you healthy.
  2. Enjoy the benefits of spending some time in the sun. Being in nature for 30 minutes per day can help reduce stress hormones and assist recovery after a stressful situation.
  3. Meditation and/or yoga can help to increase relaxation whilst benefiting not just the mind, but also the body. Learning to unwind is important for reducing stress.
  4. Favourite pastime: create time for YOU! Do something that you love, like listening to music, enjoying a candle lit bath, watching a movie, or starting a creative project – these fun activities can help you become more tolerant of everyday stress.
  5. Get creative and express yourself in as many different ways as feels good; singing, dancing, and art projects are but a few ways to do this.
  6. Eat seasonally, fresh and organic as much as possible. Include protein at every meal with a variety of fruit and vegetables.
  7. Include good fats such as omega 3s from fish, nuts and seeds, and olive oil to help with brain health and mood regulation.
  8. Drink plenty of water, a minimum of eight glasses per day and avoid excessive alcohol, caffeine, sugar and salt.
  9. See a counsellor, or psychologist to get some coping strategies in place.
  10. Acupuncture has been shown to be as effective as medications for stress and equal to the effects of talk therapy in several major studies.

Stress Less for Good Health

Our modern lifestyle is inescapable. The stress of it however, is manageable. This is why I mentioned the magic “Chill Pill”. All people have to do is take the advice and administer it often.

You aren’t born stressed and being stress isn’t a part of you. It is a learnt behaviour that can be changed. You can become more resilient to the symptoms and long term effects of stress through the aid of individualised lifestyle and dietary changes, together with nutrients, supplement and in some cases medicines that your healthcare providers can help you with.

Talk therapy such as counselling and psychology is an integral part of leaning to cope with stress and dealing with it better too. Mindfulness and meditation can also assist with stress.

Supporting a healthy stress response will allow you to feel more energised, resilient and ready to tackle life, so you can maintain the state of health and wellness that you deserve.

I hope that helps everyone and please remember to take off those superwoman/superman capes regularly, allow space to just breath and shut off the mind and just have some you time. It is OK to just sit there and not feel guilty about it. People need to learn to switch off the “busyness” and close down the 100 boxes they have open. It is Ok just to sit in peace and quietness and not feel guilty about it. Actually, your body needs to do this to maintain your inner health, but also your psychological health.

Every persons health, or disease state is different and while stress may not be the cause of ones particular issue, it can certainly exacerbate it. This is why it is so important to look at every aspect of ones life, not just a small isolated portion of it.

When was the last time you allowed yourself the space to just be, just take some quite time and let the world pass by for a little while without worrying about it?

Take care and relax and don’t work too hard. We work to live, not live to work.


Andrew Orr

-No Stone Left Unturned

-Women’s and Men’s Health Advocate

Stress, Distress and De-Stress

Knowing the difference between stress, distress and de-stress.
Many people do not realise that being constantly busy and being stressed slowly creeps up on them and can one day cause major health issues for them. Being busy for for the sake of being busy is a very common issue these days. We actually refer to it as “The Disease of Being Busy”.

Too many people run their lives and their social status around this term. It is not a badge to be worn with pride at all. When people say that they don’t know how to slow down and relax, this isn’t good. They actually need to learn and retrain the body how to relax and what it feels like to relax.

Being too “Busy” causes stress on the body and can lead to disease, or exacerbate diseases that are already there. It also makes pain worse too.

Life is too short to be busy all the time and just being busy being busy. There is always time in a 24 hour day to take at least 1 hour for self. It is OK to leave emails, leave the washing etc and just be.

At my clinic I help people with learning how to relax and also giving ones body time out with many different forms of treatments. I also work in with counsellors, psychologists, and mindfulness practitioners,  who can teach people coping skills of how to slow down and enjoy life more.

Life is not a race and it is important that we teach children that being too busy is not OK either. It is OK to say “No” to everyone and just take time for self.

Stress and distress can not only cause physical symptoms, such as pain, but it can also cause emotional and psychological issues too. Stress can also kill you.

Symptoms of stress can accumulate over a long period of time and then present with acute symptoms, which can then become chronic. This is why I talk about learning to put yourself first and put your oxygen mask on before attending to others.

It is important to be aware of stress levels and also learning coping strategies and learning that being busy for the sake of being busy, may one day catch up with you and slow you down for good.

Have a listen to my latest video post about stress, distress and de-stress.


Dr Andrew Orr

-No Stone Left Unturned

-Women’s and Men’s Health Advocate.