couple love bedroom kissing

Exercises For Better Sex

As a practitioner with a special interest in the area of reproductive and sexual health, I thought it’s was time to talk about what you can do to have better sex. While good food, healthy lifestyle, mindfulness and reducing stress can help with improving the sex life and your libido, many exercises can also benefit your sexual health too. These exercises also have other benefits, while making feel good and feel healthier at the same time.

1. Cardio – Getting physical can ramp up the pleasure for you and your partner. Any activity that gets your heart beating faster and you breathing harder, from brisk walking to cycling, can boost blood flow — including to your nether regions. That’s a plus for both genders: stronger erections for men, and greater arousal for women (a whopping 169% more in one University of Texas study).

2. Weight training– Using compound lifts such as dead lifts, squats, bench press etc, all add to strengthening your core, burning fats and strengthening your whole body. They also increase testosterone and other hormones, which help with improving sex drive; increasing orgasm intensity and making you feel good at the same time.

3. Swimming– Harvard researchers found that male and female swimmers in their 60s had sex lives similar to people 20 years younger. Swimming builds endurance, boosts blood flow, improves flexibility and strength, and slashes stress. It also burns some serious calories, a plus for anyone who’s overweight (extra pounds lower libido), especially obese men with erectile dysfunction.

4. Core & Abs Work– A strong, flexible core underpins most everything you do. That includes performing between the sheets. Bonus: You may be one of the lucky people who can have an orgasm while exercising — sometimes called a “coregasm.” It tends to happen during core-strengthening workouts like crunches. Pilates is a great way to work on core and abs.

5. Kegels, Ba Wan Balls and Yoni eggs– Kegels was developed to treat urinary incontinence, these strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, and that means explosive orgasms. Yoni eggs and Ba wen balls have been around for centuries to help with developing muscles in the vagina and pelvic floor and also helping with lubrication, increased circulation and also stimulation of certain hormones such as oxytocin (the love hormone). These exercises and eggs/balls may also help with gynaecological conditions such as Adenomyosis and endometriosis too, alongside medical interventions, by increasing blood flow and assisting with pain. Women may be more familiar with Kegels balls, but probably less familiar with Yoni Eggs and Ba wen balls. Kegels exercises may also help men prevent premature ejaculation. (Always consult with your healthcare practitioner before using kegels balls, yoni eggs and ba wen balls)

6. Plank– This is a perfect way to strengthen the deepest layer of your ab muscles (transversus abdominis), along with your upper arms, thighs, and buttocks. These muscles help stabilize you so you can stay close to your partner when and where it counts most. Do it once a day, and build up to 60 seconds or longer. If it’s too challenging on your toes, try balancing on your knees instead.

7. Cat/Cow Stretch– Think of this yoga pose as another form of foreplay. It limbers your spine, helps get you into an even breathing rhythm, and improves focus — so your mind stays in the moment. Move with a steady flow, so that each rounding up (the cow part) takes a full breath out and each arching downward (the cat part) takes a full breath in.

8. Pelvic Thrusts – Whether your favourite position is missionary or cowgirl, this move is a key part of it. But powerful pushes can be exhausting when you’re out of shape. Work your glutes, calves, and hamstrings to build stamina and flexibility. Pelvic thrusts also sculpt your booty, so you feel good and look good.

9. Better Together– Couples who sweat together stay together; so make an exercise date with your significant other. Studies show that challenging physical activities spark arousal. You’ll be more attracted to your partner post-workout, too. Coordinate your actions (for example, run at the same pace) to strengthen your emotional connection even more.

As I always say to couples, is that having a healthy sex life is so important to a relationship and so vital to connection for the couple. Healthy couples have healthy sexual function and healthy libidos, so healthy diet, mindfulness and a healthy lifestyle is so important to maintaining a healthy sex life. Healthy couples also have healthy babies.


Andrew Orr

-Leaving No Stone Unturned

-Women’s and Men’s Health Advocate

-Master of Women’s Health

-The Women’s Health Experts

What Affects a Menstrual Cycle Part 2 Common Gynaecological Factors

What Affects a Menstrual Cycle – Part 2 (Common Gynaecological Factors)

There are many things that can cause disturbances to a woman’s menstrual cycle and on my previous post I discussed how Non-Gynaecological factors, such as diet, lifestyle etc, can be contributing.

In this post I will discuss some of the common gynaecological conditions that can cause problems with women’s menstrual cycles.

The sad thing is that many of these are often overlooked and often masked by putting women on the contraception pill. The other issue is that many are led to believe that the pill is the answer to their issues, when sadly it isn’t.

Many of these common gynaecological conditions continue to become worse while having their symptoms masked and exacerbated by these hormones.

Even more disturbing is that many women are not heard when speaking about menstrual issues, menstrual pain and other factors that do in fact interfere with their daily life on both a physical and emotional level.

Lets look at the common gynaecological factors that can affect a woman’s cycle.

  1. Endometriosis – is one of the most common causes of period pain and it caused by abnormal growth of endometrial cells both inside the uterus and outside the uterine lining. The exact cause is not known.While period pain, clotting, ovulation pain, pain with sex, pain on bowel movement, IBS like symptoms etc are commonly talked about, many women with endometriosis are asymptomatic and would not even know they had it.It is commonly missed, misdiagnosed and overlooked by healthcare practitioners and is why it often takes up to 10 years for the definitive diagnosis to be made. There is no cure and now it is thought that genetic factors and parental mode of inheritance is a predominant part of this disease. We do know that estrogens drive the disease and make it worse also.

    Endometriosis can only be diagnosed by surgical intervention. For more information please read my posts on endometriosis and also visit the Endometriosis Australia website.

  2. PCO/PCOS – Polycystic Ovaries/Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is one of the most common caused of menstrual cycle irregularities, or ceasing of the menstrual cycle.It is mainly caused by insulin resistance and it also runs in families. There are two types of presentation with this condition. One is just having the cysts on the ovaries and the other is just the syndrome without the cysts.These days it is common lobbed under the one condition called PCOS.Along with menstrual cycle disturbances, it can also cause mood swings, hair growth/hair loss, acne, ovulation pain, infertility, anovulation, weight gain/weight loss, pot belly, fluid retention and much more.

    Diet and lifestyle changes are the number one treatment for this condition. Scans can pick this condition up, but can also miss it too.

    It can be diagnosed via surgical intervention and sometimes-extreme forms of this do need surgical intervention known as “Ovarian Drilling”

  3. Fibroids – Also known as myomas are benign growths that can occur inside and outside the uterus. Up to 40% of women over 40 years old have fibroids.They can cause problems with irregular uterine bleeding, heavy long bleeding, bleeding in between cycles, anaemia, pain with sex, problems with urinating and back pain.They can also cause infertility and miscarriage.There are 3 types of fibroids (intramural, submucosal & subserosal). They are thought to be caused by excess estrogens and problems in hormone metabolism.

    They can be removed surgically and some small ones embolised.

  4. Polyps – Are benign overgrowths, or bulges, of the normal tissue lining the uterus into the uterine cavity.They can cause irregular bleeding, heavy bleeding, bleeding after intercourse and infertility. Some women have not symptoms at all.Polyps may also be found in the uterine cervix. Polyps are usually attached to the underlying tissue by a base or stalk, and they vary in size.They can basically act like an IUD and stop implantation and therefore need to be removed in order for a woman to fall pregnant.

    Polyps only rarely contain cancerous cells

  5. Adenomyosis– Is very similar to endometriosis by the fact that it causes pain, irregular bleeding, heavy bleeding, bloating, lower abdomen pain and can affect the day to day functioning of woman all over this world.Adenomyosis growth penetrates deeply into the uterine lining and also inflames the nerves inside the lining. It cannot be seen visually and some special high contrast scans and MRI can pick it up, but not always.Usually a biopsy is needed to diagnose it. Medically the only way to properly get rid of Adenomyosis is via a hysterectomy.In the meantime, mostly anti-inflammatories, some hormones and other forms of pain management are given to provide symptomatic relief.
  6. Thrush– Vaginal thrush is a common infection caused by an overgrowth of Candida albicans yeast.This yeast lives naturally in the bowel and in small numbers in the vagina. It is mostly harmless, but symptoms can develop if yeast numbers increase.Symptoms you may experience if you develop vaginal thrush include vaginal discomfort – itching or burning, a thick, white discharge with a ‘cottage cheese’ appearance and yeasty smell, redness or swelling of the vagina or vulva, stinging or burning while urinating or during sex, splits in the genital skin that can cause bleeding and irritation.The condition is mainly treated with antifungal creams, pessaries and probiotics.
  7. Cancers – In 2008, a total of 4,534 new gynaecological cancers were diagnosed in Australia; this equates to an average of 12 females being diagnosed with this disease every day.On average 4 females in Australia die each day from a gynaecological cancer each day.The most commonly diagnosed gynaecological cancers are uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, vulval cancer, cancers of other female organ and placenta and vaginal cancer.All can cause irregular bleeding, but some may not present with any symptoms at all.

    Proper diagnosis and early intervention is the key to any gynaecological cancers. For more information on diagnosis, symptoms and treatment please refer to the cancer council website.

There are other conditions that I haven’t discussed because of focusing on the main gynaecological conditions that can affect a woman’s cycle. I haven’t gone into the treatments of these disease states and will go into this at a later date.

What I will say it that early intervention is the key to any disease state in the body and seeing the right people is paramount too. Please know that many of these disease states will require a multimodality approach and please remember that there is always help out there.

Never put up with period pain, or menstrual irregularities, or be told the symptoms many women face daily are normal. The value of a second, or third, or tenth opinion is crucial for some people to get help and to find the right person to help.

Please remember that period pain IS NOT normal and neither are many of the menstrual irregularities that many of you face daily. There are always treatments and help out there too.

Take care


Andrew Orr

-Leaving No Stone Left Unturned

-Women’s and Men’s Health Crusader

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Follow-Up Reply To Rust Never Sleeps & Neither Does Endometriosis

After my post on “Rust Never Sleeps and Neither Does Endometriosis” I was overwhelmed with such lovely messages from some amazing people

Wow, there really is so many people out there suffering this horrible disease. As I said, I had someone very special and dear to me that was riddled with Endometriosis and put up with it for 20-30 odd years. It was so bad and luckily I was able to help her get it sorted properly.

I help people with endometriosis everyday. I know how it effects you physically, emotionally and on every level possible. It is such a terrible disease to have. I also know many people who have it don’t know they do have it until that start to try and have a baby. Then they come and see me and we find it. Many people are asymptomatic (no symptoms).

Unfortunately when it comes to endometriosis we really only hear about those who have the really have the bad pain. Unfortunately so many of you who have read this, or have contacted me about this, have the pain side of it.

But please take heart, you can get your life back with the right treatment. I do know many of you aren’t seeing the right people, or not getting the right treatment for this. So many of you get overlooked, or passed over, or misdiagnosed, or even just plain old ignored. It is disgusting and should never happen

Endometriosis really does require a multi modality approach to treat it and help manage it properly though. There really isn’t one thing, or a magic pill. I wish there was. I wish I could give you all that.

Through many years of studying this, years of treating this and just knowing what to do and what works and what doesn’t, is why I know this disease well. Endometriosis needs a multimodality/team approach to manage it effectively.

There is no magic pill. You really do need to look at the individual, assess that individual and then use a multi modality approach with everything from diet changes, lifestyle changes, help with emotions, help with the acute pain etc and really look at what is fuelling the pain and fuelling the endometriosis. The number one diagnostic and investigation for endometriosis and to help with acute pain will always be a laparoscopy too.

I do know it is hard for you all. I really do. Not everyone knows how to treat this properly and manage the symptoms properly as well. I wish they did. I really do. I know many of you have said you have tried everything and many times I find out your haven’t, or may have only just tried a few things in combination. You need to do it all properly and at the same time.

Some of you have really just seen the wrong people, been given the wrong advice and really just seen a crappy specialist, or surgeon. It really saddens me. So sorry for you that have. I really wish I could help all of you.

I do know many women who say they got relief from the hysterectomy and I have to say I sometimes have to tell people that only they can make this decision,  if it is really affecting your life. But I do need to let women know that hysterectomy ‘Does Not’ cure endometriosis. It will cure adenomyosis, but not endometriosis. Endometriosis is not in the uterus, so taking out the uterus is only going to help adenomyosis and also stop period related symptoms.

But if you are going to have a hysterectomy you need to know the facts and know that endometriosis will still be there.Sometimes the endo has really spread to other parts of the body so hysterectomy really doesn’t solve that at all.

If you are going to do any surgical intervention, it needs to be done by a good surgeon who is an advanced trained laparoscopic excision surgeon. It also needs to be done intravaginallly and via laparoscopy. That is how I make sure my patients get it done. Sometimes that is not always possible, but when it is, that is the better option.The recovery is much better and there is less impact on them and their body. It is hard to make those decisions though.

It is hard to help from afar, but if you do want my help, I do online consults so I could help you. I do help and assist people all over the world and online platforms (zoom, skype) now offers a medium to do that.

I can’t give advice over the internet because of legal and professional ethical reasons, so I do need to see people, or at least Skype them to be able to give advice. It needs to involve a consultation.

It is so much easier if I can see you in person, especially those that live here in Australia. Flights are cheap these days and I have the best surgeons and team working with me. I really do have the best endometriosis surgeons as part of the team I work with.

I know how hard this must be for you, a very special loved one had very bad endometriosis as well. Luckily now, with the right treatment and after 30 odd years of getting nowhere, she is finally feeling better.

If you would like to book in a consultation with me, please call my friendly staff, or using the automated emails system on the website. Let me hold your hand and care for you and assist you in every step of the way to better health and a better way to live daily.

Please take heart. Know that you are not alone.Know that there really is help out there. I know this disease can be beat with the right treatment. Know that I hear you and what you are going through and will always be here to help educate people about this disease and hopefully find a cure to this horrible disease one day.

Looking forward to helping you if you need my help and pointing you in the right direction


Andrew Orr

-No Stone Left Unturned

-Women’s and Men’s Health Advocate